The Holy Knight Charges Into Battle For The Edge

November 27, 2015 by brennon

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The Holy Knight is one of the rather fantastic looking upcoming models for The Edge as part of their skirmish game. We have some more awesome models from them too but more on them later...

Holy Knight

This mighty warrior has been inspired by the look of the Winged Hussars that you might know from the Polish army. He is wearing a lot more armour though as you can see.

Holy Knight #1

Holy Knight #2

I think they've got the horse looking just right and the rider matches really nicely. You could imagine him charging down on his foe with axe ready to sever heads.

Blade Breeder

As well as the Holy Knight we have a more brutal and altogether bloodier addition to the range with the Blade Breeder.

Blade Breeder

This warrior does what it says on the tin, drawing out big blades from his skin and slicing his foes apart. I wonder if they are made of bone or metal?

Faceless Harvester

Last but not least we have a fully painted version of the Faceless Harvester which will be reaping a bloody toll across the battlefield.

Painted Harvester

This looks even more weird and disgusting now we've seen it properly with those tendril like tubes stretching between biological and mechanical appendages.

What do you think of the range so far?

"As well as the Holy Knight we have a more brutal and altogether bloodier addition to the range with the Blade Breeder..."

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