Get A Peek & Prepare For Warcrow Adventures From Corvus Belli!

September 23, 2022 by brennon

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Corvus Belli has shown off a quick teaser trailer to get you excited for the coming of Warcrow Adventures, their upcoming Fantasy dungeon-crawling board game!

Warcrow Adventures - The New Fantasy Dungeon Crawler

In Warcrow, you will play as a band of heroes diving into an app-based adventure as you look to scour the lands of evil. Setting up in a land of opportunity, lots of different characters will be coming together to get stuck into an epic quest.

Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more videos very soon as, as you might have heard, we have Corvus Belli in the studio recently!

Are you going to be diving in and checking out Warcrow Adventures?

"In Warcrow, you will play as a band of heroes diving into an app-based adventure as you look to scour the lands of evil..."

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