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Reply To: Hobbyweekender 12/10/18 Now with less typos!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobbyweekender 12/10/18 Now with less typos! Reply To: Hobbyweekender 12/10/18 Now with less typos!


Cult of Games Member

@mage thanks for hosting this weekend 🙂


Question 1: How do you feel about musicals and which one is your favourite? – Not really a fan. Which is to say, really not a fan. Will happily watch concerts on DVD though, does that count? If pressed I’ll probably say The Wall even though I know that doesn’t count as a musical but the film gave a narrative continuity o the album so it does sort of count maybe?… Otherwise I’ll say cannibal the Musical just to be difficult (fair warning, it’s truly terrible so don’t go and watch it on the basis of this recommendation 🙂 )

Question 2: How do you feel about settings that are super serious for either RPGs, Tabletop board games, miniature games or computer games? – I think they have their time and place. Tension and political intrigue can make a game enjoyable just as they can do with TV shows. Probably just depends on who you are gaming with and whether people are prepared to get involved in the narrative/atmosphere/setting for the relevant game. There’s no point in playing out a serious cold war spy game if someone is cracking monty Python one-liners the whole night – kind of ruins the immersion…

Question 3: The same but for more lighthearted, comedic, whimsical or fun? – Ahain, has it’s time and place. A quick game of Fluxx or Munchkin at the start of the night can get everybody relaxed and in good spirits before moving onto games with a little more depth.

Question 4: Give me a brief elevator pitch for a game. No more than 40 words. – Am tempted to give a pitch for an elevator game instead, but am concerned that I’d be perma-banned from the thread for the ensuing ‘highs and lows’ puns… 🙂 Ok here goes: High fantasy RPG where the players need to explore a devastated kingdom to stop a magical blight spreading to surrounding lands by uncovering and unwinding the terrible magic ritual that led to the downfall of their civilisation. Yep, nothing original there I know 😉 But at least it is a setup that would explain the absence of local settlements for resupply, the prevalence of magic loot and all the monstrous baddies running amok everywhere…

Suffering from a bit of hobby burnout at the moment (Hobby is starting to feel like work) so not going to make a pledge but will just see what I end up getting done. Would be good to catch up on a few of the lets plays etc from the last couple of weeks…


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