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Ok, let’s get going…

My hobby pledge this week is to work on Dark Angels. Two squads of Tactical Marines from the Betrayal at Calth Box.


Hobby time tonight though was primarily posting about CanCon. My only stable device is my phone, and posting/editing forum topics from an iPhone isn’t fun. I really need to buy a new PC, but I really want to buy a house more, and every dollar is going to count.

Anyway! Off track there…

The questions eh?

My Kryptonite?

What?? Why would I tell? Then someone will know and use it against me! Hahaha! I’ll not fall for that trap!

Shiny does not hold the sway over me it once did, that’s for sure. Years of hobby deprivation, and the last couple of years of financial deprivation (thankfully now mostly behind me), have taught me to only buy what I “need” or really will use.

Disliked Faction?

The Redemptionists in old school Necromunda, and to a lesser extent House Cawdor.

The old minis were one thing, but they were of their time. Their penchant for burning things was understandable, and in Necromunda fairly effective. But the whole idea behind them: religious fanatics, zealots.    To late-teen Me, anything associated with strong religious belief was pretty uncool.

I get (especially now) that the 40k universe is supposed to be over-the-top. The Redemptionists are a product of their universe and the Empire they are a part of. But they over do it. It wasn’t enough to be a non-mutant faithful human, Non-Redemptionists are as bad as Traitors, Xenos and Witches. It is unproductive to go about burning otherwise dutiful Imperial citizens.

They weren’t even recognised as an official sect of the Imperial Faith, the official policy was to try and stamp them out. They were religious fanatics that were only one step away from another kind of religious fanaticism in 40k, Chaos.

Weaponise Muffin?!?

They’re already a weapon! Those things carry more fat and sugar than should be legally allowed! Tasty tasty muffins, they kill you sloooooowly. Chocolate muffins, banana, what ever flavour. Those ones with cream cheese on top, or savoury muffins with cheese and bacon all through them!!

And once you let yourself have one, tomorrow you’ll have another, and then another the next day! Then you’ll be buying four packs and six packs, and you’ll go to the supermarket and get the cheaper ones so you can afford more, even though you can taste the cheaper quality, you’re ok because you’ve got more muffin!!!

Gaahh!! Now I want a muffin, and I’ve not had one for years ?

Dammit. You may have found out my kryptonite.

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