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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!* Reply To: Hobby Weekender 06/06/19 Now Heresy Free!*


Cult of Games Member

What? Who are you? Do I know you? Guys, do we know him? What is this!? XD 😉 (Just kidding, all is fine)

1. How much, if at all, do artworks influence your hobby? Is there a particular piece in a rule book or just online that made you go out and get an army? Something you saw and thought ‘I need THAT in 28mm!’? Even just a paint scheme influence by a painting or even digital art. Share the art, if you can.

that’s a tougher one than I thought… I can’t really think of any art on boxes or rulebooks that brought me to a place in the hobby… either that or my brain just stopped working.

2. What type of hobbyist are you? Collector? Painter? Gamer? We all know the hobby we’re part of is vast with many games and many more minis, so what part is your favourite? Do you like to play casual, competitive, or somewhere in between? Do you spend days getting the paint job just right, or block in colours for a quick battle ready look for the tabletop?

In my early phases (20’ish years ago) I was a builder and part-time-gamer. Today I am a gamer but all I play is SW Legion and all my minis there are painted to a “looks good on the table” standard. I do play a tournament with it when it’s not to far away

3. What rule would you like to implement in a game, if you had the chance? Any game is fair game, here, but be specific as not all of us know the same games. Who knows, maybe it’ll get someone interested in that game!

One rule I’d like to have in every game (though some already have it) is the following: “It’s a game. You are supposed to have fun. Don’t get stressed. You want to do house rules? You bought the game, do whatever you like but a) have fun, b) be fair and c) remember, it’s just a game.”

People raging in and about games… nope, don’t want that.

Good morning to everybody.

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