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Reply To: Police called to sort out a young wargamer.

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Cult of Games Member

I don’t think it is a small localised event. It might seem that way when you limit this solely to wargames but in terms of heavy handed policing on the grounds of counter extremism, in a world where anyone can be (and indeed is)  accused of being a Nazi then no, its absolutely not small or localised, it’s symptomatic of the UK in general.  Terror and Extremis is now the means by which our freedom is being slowly eaten away. It’s a false moral panic being used to gain public consent for increased state and police power. This particular case is just another example.

Whilst I would love to try and keep an open mind over this, I honestly can’t think what he might have been doing that would warrant the involvement of anti-terrorism police and being questioned under caution. I think we need to at least take them at their word when they say that happened. So while it may well be true that there is more to this than just buying miniatures of imaginary British Fascist soldiers, if we accept that then we must also weigh that against where exactly we think the line is at which point anti terror police need to get involved. Ask yourself which is more likely, a teacher over reacted to a student showing an interest in the history of British Fascism and not taking the time to find out what was really going on, or the student expressing genuine fascist views and behaviours in class. In today’s day and age, I know where I would be placing my money.

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