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Reply To: Is it time for some more critical analysis of rule sets

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Is it time for some more critical analysis of rule sets Reply To: Is it time for some more critical analysis of rule sets


Cult of Games Member

Maybe we all need to remember that the videos we are talking about are unboxings.  A quick look at what is actually in the box.  They are not intended as in depth reviews.   That being said, I would be really interested in a sister series, “Whats in the book”.  A quick review of the rules after one read through and perhaps a chat, passing along first impressions, an idea of who the game is for, what their impressions of the authors intent is, and how they think it will play.  You could revisit with an “Out of the Book” video later on with a short review after a game or two if there’s been time and interest.  I understand that learning to play and finding the time for this is not practical for the billion games that come out. All such chats should include pros and cons for every game, and try to express an open mind, perhaps unless a game really is that bad/good (Warspanner 15th ed, had my healthy dog put down, and ran away with my wife after drinking all my good booze!).

I also do not find the Playthroughs to be the final answer in giving a feeling for how a game plays.  Once you’re done filming those videos it might be good if the player sat down with the camera and give his feelings and opinions, possibly after a day or two to think about it, and after the company rep has left the studio.

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