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Reply To: Reign of the Neckbeards (or why do historical re-fights).

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Reign of the Neckbeards (or why do historical re-fights). Reply To: Reign of the Neckbeards (or why do historical re-fights).


Cult of Games Member

I see no problem in having a Nachtwulf in a game of Weird War 2 (which is a mix of fantasy and historicals), I do however see a problem if you are doing a refight of say Arnhem because they weren’t there on the day (ie they are not in the ORBAT). The thing with doing a re-fight is that you are restricted to what was there on the day for good or bad (ie you might have some horrible units in your army list). It’s not about individuals being inflexible, it’s because if you start changing thing about from the battle then where do you draw the line. One player might want to use Nachtwulfs, the other might want Tiger IIs at Arnhiem etc etc. In the end your not doing a refight. It’s exactly the same as if someone was playing a 40K game and someone decides they want to bring along a Titan unannounced (it may look cool, but most 40K armies couldn’t scratch it), or a army of Predators from the Alien franchise with rules from another game (would every 40K player at the table be happy with that). Finns vs Chindits is a game you’d quite likely see at a Bolt Action Tourney, but I’d have a hard time finding an historical battle to draw the ORBAT and map for to do a refight. All of the rule systems you quote I’d call historical, there’s also others out there as well. But for a re-fight you need an ORBAT and MAP and then a suitable set of rules (ie it would be impossible to re-fight Kursk with BA as its a skirmish game, and even FoW is too small a scale to cover the amount and area needed (you’d need at more grand tactical ruleset to do that). OR maybe you could do a smaller action from Kursk if you can find the info to do so.

PS back to the original topic, have you tried a re fight game yourself yet in the past (I’m not here, what’s your personal experience in doing refights or what is it about the concept that puts you off doing so)?


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