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Problem is they are in the padded reversible suit, not a smock.

It of course depends how anal you are… and I am a fair bit! 😉

The reversible parkas started out in a white/mouse grey colour for Waffen SS, but in the winter of 43/44 they used a field grey to Spring oakleaf combination.

For the following winter 44/45 it was decided to change to a white and autumn Oakleaf or blurred edge.

So for the ‘purist’ these really are purely aimed at from October 44 onwards. Some are wearing the old Mouse Grey clothing as remaining stocks were issued in 44/45.

You could of course paint the figures in white suits for snow camo suits, or one of the other options. I went with the 44/45 look as it suits what I intend to use them for.

Of course the greatcoat chaps are grand for 43 onwards… all wear the small ankle boot and gaiter which puts them generally in the post 43 period.

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