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Cult of Games Member

Heia Safari!

Is the phrase?

A. The title of a popular WW1 marching song
B. The title of a book written by von Lettow-Vorbeck
C. A morale boosting shout or cheer
D. All of the above.

Answer below.

I’m building a WW1 German East African Force to use with the Blood & Valor rules. I couldn’t find any sniper models so I started to look at some alternatives.

I recently found out that shooting clubs in German East Africa were also reserve units of the Schutztruppe. I figured they would probably have more civilian gear than military gear but would try to emulate the official uniforms as much as possible. And later in the war as supplies ran out, there was no longer a standardized uniform, so either way, I could add some more civilian looking miniatures to my force. And if one retired officer just happens to have a young daughter who just happens to be in the shooting club, why not?

I plan on using the two figures carrying the rifles as snipers. The guy with the machete and the duel pistol wielder would probably go into the close combat squad with a few Askari and then the archeologist would be an objective piece.

All figures by Pulp Figures.

Answer:  D.  All of the above.

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