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Reply To: Ares Games Loses Battlestar Galactica

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Ares Games Loses Battlestar Galactica Reply To: Ares Games Loses Battlestar Galactica


Cult of Games Member

Wow it seems the death nell these days to try and launch a game using one of the big studio IPs. I remember back when Agents of Gaming lost their IP for Babylon 5, I think the quote from the studio went along the lines of “the legal fees to renew the licence wouldn’t be covered by the expected revenue generated” (or something like that).

Although it might be big news for a small company to produce a wargame on these IPs (and the creators pour their heart and soul into producing them), it’s small potatoes for these studios.

Lesson here (yet again) seems to be don’t use a well known studio IP unless you are ready for the rug to be pulled from under you at a moments notice.

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