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Reply To: Staying away from negativity in the hobby

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Staying away from negativity in the hobby Reply To: Staying away from negativity in the hobby


Cult of Games Member

I personally don’t comment in an overly negative comment. I might say it isn’t for me or something like that but who am I to tell someone else to back or not a kickstarter. Or if I don’t like a game system I just don’t comment or follow the news for that game. The club I belong to has an unofficial policy that comments on our discord server should generally be positive or at the least constructive regardless of the company being discussed.

I think the internet has made it too easy to rant. People often have a knee jerk reaction to something and then immediately start posting. Imagine if you had to write things long hand, go to the post office and mail in your comments. Negative comments would still happen but someone would really have to put the effort into it.

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