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Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming What went wrong here? Reply To: What went wrong here?


Cult of Games Member

At first, it looked like a corrupted file to me. But then realised I wasn’t looking at a solid block of resin, but  a base where the supports failed. Given you can see on the “base layer” where the supports should have been (but aren’t) it suggests maybe an exposure issue – try adding a second or so per layer (if you’re on a colour LCD) or if mono, half a second or so; basically try upping your exposure time a little?

Have you just replaced the FEP? (sometimes this can happen if the FEP is too floppy or, surprisingly, too taught). I’ve found on my Photon that reducing lifting speeds (from the default 65mm/sec to about 40mm/sec) helps reduce failures like this too.

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