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Reply To: Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game – Shipping surcharge

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game – Shipping surcharge Reply To: Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game – Shipping surcharge


Cult of Games Member

There’s no real legal claim that backers can make against creators due to either a failed project or the contents/price changing. Given the numbers of failed projects on Kickstarter, if there was a way don’t you think backers would have used it by now?

The creators of the Kickstart CAN fail to deliver goods on the project under the terms and conditions. But remember nearly all of them don’t try to aim for that as an objective (everything is in good faith). But a lot of Kickstarters can be an “experiment” on either a type of goods, a way to manufacture etc.

As a backer you are an investor, NOT a customer. So be prepared that things may fail and that fact it’s NOT a discount/pre-order shop (although many companies use it as such). In my mind it would be better if companies DIDN’T create projects on KS using it as a pre-order shop (companies like CMON and even the recent Crooked Dice project here in the UK are guilty of this). And instead it was used for it’s “original” purpose (as a way of crowd funding something that banks/commercial investors wouldn’t touch).


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