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Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

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Identifying my Old Orks

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The following gallery contains the models I have identified as Ork Boyz.  I believe these are the generic front line grunts of the faction.  Out of the stack of weapons I have available I believe I should equip each of them one Bolt Pistol and one melee weapon, and that they belong on round 25mm bases.  I suspect I could give some 2 pistols or two melee weapons and it would not matter within the unit.  Correct me if I am wrong.  I have some heavy weapons in the first post that I could not identify.  Do any of them belong with Ork Boyz?

Below is a picture of my Ork Boys, and beneath that a gallery of pictures of them now and then.  Links to painted pictures of them in the before time are appreciated.

Ork Boys can be found on the GW website here:

Known Stats:

Unit size: 10-30 models

Base size in box today: Outpost says 25mm

Optional models: Boss Nob

The 16 Ork boys I haveThe 16 Ork boys I have
I believe for a brief moment GW produced generic Orks for Fantasy and 40K and it was the weapon arm that denoted the system.  I assume these can be used as Ork Boys if I give them a gun?I believe for a brief moment GW produced generic Orks for Fantasy and 40K and it was the weapon arm that denoted the system. I assume these can be used as Ork Boys if I give them a gun?
Can you help me identify these Orks and work out what they would be today?  I'm fairly sure some of these have no current analogueCan you help me identify these Orks and work out what they would be today? I'm fairly sure some of these have no current analogue

I’ve identified most of these from the 1991 catalogue, but I still don’t know what that means in terms of what they are today.  What is a freebooter and whats a minder?  Are they just more Ork Boyz?


A: Tinboy Eldar (No longer in game?)

B: Freebooter Flash Git Nob with Power Claw and Kustom Weapon

C: Freebooter Minder (Minders don’t appear to be a thing anymore. “Freebooterz are the typical Ork pirates, akin in almost every way to a standard mob of Ork Boyz.”

D: Freebooter Minder

E: Tinboy Squat (No longer in game?)

F: Stormboy (No jetpack I’ve found. Probably to be repurposed as Ork Boy)

G: Bolko, 1991 Flyer Champion, Power sword, helm & goggles (
Any idea who Bolko is? I can’t find any information. I’ll assume he can be a generic leader/character with a power sword

H: Goff Nob

I: Snakebite GW 1987

J: Passenger for the Bike I have elsewhere in this project

K: Minder holding (Broken) copper staff – Possible Runtherd?

L: Madboy 13 (Whats a Madboy? – “upgraded” ork Boys?)

M: Madboy 5

N: Madboy 7


I assume they all belong on standard round 28mm bases, unless they go on a vehicle?  Again with the bold pistols and melee weapons?  If not can you point me towards what they should have and where I can get them at a sensible cost including P+P in the uk please?

The following gallery contains the catalogue pages I used to identify them.

Known stats for Runtherd:
Unit size: 1 Model

Base size in box today: ????

Optional models: 10-30 Gretchins

I have 1 Wierdboy that I can identify.  Again with the round 28mm base and a bolt pistol?

Link to current GW Wierdboy page:

Known Stats for Weirdboy: 

Unit size: 1 Model

Base size in box today: 40mm

Optional models: None

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Will have to dig out my old citadel annuals, but a few i know off top of my head: B) is a free booter captain with powerklaw, freebooters are basically ork pirates awesome fun faction, used the head of that one to make a custom (kustom?) leader for my freebooter gang in gorkamorka K) is a runtherd who pretty much corrals/bullies squigs, snotlings and gretchin into being useful/not running away, similar role to a space marine chaplain in game Madboys are the 40k version of ferral orks Stormboys were jumppack equiped orks for assault work, the aesthetic was jumppack equipped… Read more »


I can add that
“Minders” are for the Wierdboy. They basically act as his bodyguard and keep him in line,point him at the enemy and so forth. Don’t think they are in the game any more, but can be used as boyz.

“Tinboyz” are robots built by mekboyz, inspired to look like the other races (there was also a space marine lookalikt tinboy). They are no longer in game. Might be used as boyz or even nobz accompanying the mekboy.

“Madboyz” were your unpredictable orky berserkers. No longer in game etc

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