Completing my W'adrhŭn
Admitting my failures & distractions
I touched a little on this in the project description but when I obtained a new job within the hospital at work I rewarded myself by buying into two new games. The Pandemic was really hard for a lot of people, but working within the Emergency Ward was extremely exhausting and genuinely in some ways I’m still mentally recovering.
Now I brought in Conquest with the W’adrhŭn because I mean its Orc’s riding Dinosaurs, what on earth could be cooler than that, as part of my excitement I did a full on series for Conquest concentrating on the Wadrhun that went really really well, on’ce the Wadrhun rush was off I was intending to continue through with the rest of the factions from a rules perspective but the views just didn’t justify keeping the video’s coming.
Ontop of that I made the same mistake we all did, I brought too much for that wall of plastic, because I didn’t just but Conquest and Kings of War Armada but then Gerry and Free forced me to buy Moonstone as well. Yeah I’m still blaming them for my lack of self control 😛
But enough stalling….
Distractions & Gaming
So the first thing that drew my attention away was the series of video’s Ben and I did on Bushido, something I’m very proud of, this was also a game we were playing a lot as well but the groups main game for a long time had been Bot War and although its not my main game I do enjoy it and these two things were the ig reason why my attention got drawn.
And then of course came the “secret project” that I discussed on a recent XLBS which is a game I am working on that really did draw a huge amount of my attention for a long time (and I have zero regrets for this one). But the bagging began a few months ago. When are we playing Conquest? Jason how much of your Conquest is playable?
I kept putting it off quite deliberately honestly I just didn’t have the energy for it at that time and to this all started with one main problem.
Over Thinking Everything
One of the first thing’s I went out to grab was some cool bases from Elric Hobbies, something else I unboxed but the shipping crisis delayed everything on that front, giving me my second excuse.
And then I began to question my painting choices, I knew very very early on that I didn’t want to do green I mean green orcs are cool but everyone does them, I honestly never have but I wanted to do my own thing my first thought was a very very pale green and I even purchased the colours for the recepie ut the more I thought about it, the more I really really didnt wan’t to torture myself by picking something so hard to paint. So then my best thought was grey skin, I mean I havent seen it done for a long time and its not a skin colour done very often and then ooh what about brown.. I went in circles like this for literally months until eventually I packed the boxes away and decided on purpose to just leave it alone. There was a time I almost considered selling them.
Thankfully that thought passed when my inspiration return.
Dealing with burnout
So this is why I’ve gone through this whole story with you, I mean a lot of it at first might not feel much like a hobby story but this is the thing I was leading to, during this whole ordeal what I had been dealing with was burn out, some of it was from work, some of it was self induced by trying to push too much too fast but honestly, a huge part of it came from simply not allowing myself to take time off.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with things but my honest advice if you fear you might at this point is to talk with someone, a friend, a family member, someone online, a therapist. Its a hard thing to do but something worthwhile.
In my next post I will show off the two models I painted this week for my army, and the bases of what the rest will be built around.
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