Soldiers of Rome
Finally getting back to these
Started adding basing material to hide the wood look on the original bases
There are some biggish gaps but I can live with a few showing through
Used vallego basing for the brown bits and slightly drybrushed with a Vallejo tan earth/ Vallejo Deck Tan mix of approx 50/50
Green bits are just a mix of different flick from different companies
Might go back and add a few tufts later
Final bit was to edge the clear plastic with Agrax Eartshade
Hey @torros do you think these can be used for Mortem et Gloriam?
up in antrim for the next three weekends if you’re around to look at MeG. Meeting up with Gerry and Lloyd and the lads for some gaming, sat or sun
@buggeroff I was pondering that question myself . The bases are all the same at 30×25 but I’ve seen on Facebook that people have had custom bases made…MeG are 40×20? I’m sure it could be done
Woukd certainly be interested in having a look at MeG
bases should be fine for Pacto 🙂 just a bit of tweaking
They looking very good mate