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Inq28 Swamp Buggy Chapel

Inq28 Swamp Buggy Chapel

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Project Blog by JimLatimer


About the Project

A while back a couple of friends became interested in Inq28. GWs old Inquisitor 54 game but in 28mm and with conversions and scratch builds. Talking about it we thought a swamp world would be a cool setting. I had a character in a DnD campaign called Randall and i thought it would be funny, and fun, to base a 40k type warband round a cult of Randall where his 'church' from DnD had become a section of the Imperial Inquisition on the year 40,000! NB his 'church' was actually a front for a conglomerate of brothels scattered the length and breadth of the Sword Coast. He was a rogu character who dressed as a cleric. Based on a Friar Tuck model. In order to bring the purity of the Emperor's faith to 'Swamp World' I thought his order should now have a travelling chapel/monastery built on an old r/c (radio controlled not roman catholic) mega truck that my daughter had when she was a kid. First covid lockdown saw some impressive preparatory work that was then shelved as other shinies and other work took up my, much limited, attention span.

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