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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Picking our factions

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 13
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The month of May is birthday month for myself and my son, so a good opportunity to get a faction starter set. This does mean that we both need to pick a faction. My son found this easy. As soon as he found out that the Temple of Rokan can have a bo staff wielding panda, he was all in on the monks. He was also delighted to find out that he can field an old man riding a tortoise. So his birthday presents were duly lined up and he’ll get these at the end of the month.

I was torn between several of the factions. I particularly like the Savage Wave, mainly for the idea of massive oni crashing around the table top. The Prefecture of Ryu with their samurai also look particularly enticing. But in all my years of gaming, I’ve never had an undead army, so I’ve opted for the Cult of Yurei and I’ve duly asked for the starter faction set for that.

With the factions chosen and on order for our respective birthdays, we’ve both been looking at the options on what to field and how to expand our start forces. For the Cult of Yurei, I noted that I could field rat swarms and plague rats. Digging around Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory, I tracked down some stl files that I’ve adapted and 3d printed. So I now have some small rat swarms, some large rat swarms and three plague rats to paint up

Rat swarmsRat swarms
Plague ratsPlague rats

For the Temple of Rokan, they can field what I can best describe as temple statues in the form of characters called Shisa and Oki Shisa. Thingiverse contains a number of stl files of temple statues, so I printed these out as well for my son.

Shisa on the left and Oki Shisa on the rightShisa on the left and Oki Shisa on the right

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