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Cult of Games Member

A few suggestions or requests or instances of my own blindness/stupidity?

1: I got a comment on my project.  I did not notice any kind of email or notification about this.  Is there any way we could opt in or out of emails/in site notifications for the whole of our project in one click?  I notice there’s a follow button on other peoples projects but it does not appear to be there for our own.  Maybe this is coming and just awaiting activation of emails at the server end?

2: Can we please get the option to show “most recent post” at the top or switch to “chronological order”, or at least get a “skip to the end” button at the top.

3: I would suggest some guidelines for naming projects.  Anyone who has had to struggle with a file system after it’s gotten too big will know the problem.  For example, hobby projects should all contain the name of the game and the model being painted so they can be searched for easily and clearly identified.  “Lawnor paint some d00ds” is not a helpful file name and when we have hundreds of projects and a lot of them are unhelpfully labelled people will give up looking through the system.  Maybe releasing a short 5-10 minute video discussing ideas of how to use the system and make it helpful long term, and what you had in mind as a Project (IE should a hobby project cover your entire life’s work, or should it be an individual model, or would both be a good idea for the same models?) while making it clear that its “Our projects, our way”.

4: I don’t know if this is there yet, but I hope we can filter projects by type (ie Hobby, battle report etc) and somehow sort by the rankings they get.  For example I’d love to be able to revisit this in a years time and focus on the projects that score a high average tutorial rating.  Not just a high rating as that could just mean they made lots of small posts.  I’d also love to search for specific models, or game systems or factions.  I’d love to search for specific things like “White Fur” with a high Tutorial rating, but this requires an extra level of data entry and management that isn’t realistic.

5: Can we get the ability to add titles to each of the pics in an image gallery please.

6: Maybe for the people setting up larger projects we could have a sub-project feature?  Allow them to partition it off.  That way they could post their Ultramarines army hobby project, and then break it down in to individual squads and vehicles and have it all be clearly accessible from a menu on the front page of the project?

I’m sure I’ll think of more the moment it won’t let me edit this post.

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