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Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP! Reply To: Hobby weekender 29/03/2019 – So…. I'm it? HALP!



@tuffyears cool hobby art! That’s gonna look cool on the wall ?

@mage I’m looking forward to seeing more work on the Minotaurs. I’d cheer you on if you started a project ?

Conquest Magazine just launched here in Oz, I’m just about to pull the trigger on a subscription, though I might go and cost it all out first, see if it retains the great value here (in Oz) that it seems to have over there…

@limburger that’s the kind of April Fools stuff I like! Nice!

@robert yeah there is: basically they had the DA + a good chunk of their Successor chapters get drawn into a planet size trap by the Fallen. They thought they were going for a company size contingent… they found a Legion. Basically now the Fallen equal the size of the original DA Legion in number.

Suffice to say, the Unforgiven got their genetically enhanced arses handed to them.

Then Big Bobby G shows up, who’s been seen hanging around with Cypher. The Unforgiven don’t know if he’s onto them, in the end they allow him to dock, and all he has to say is “here’s your allocation of Primaris, you’ve done well in the last 10000 years, so you can keep your non-Codex formations. Carry on”. Done, see ya later!

Now the old school Unforgiven don’t know what to do, coz they haven’t “schooled” the new guys they way they would with regular new recruits, and they’re proving effective on the battlefield. So how do they educate them about the Fallen and promote them to the Deathwing?

Whew, sorry that was a bit more of a ramble than I had planned…

That’s a good collection of stuff on your desk to work on there.

@oriskany 28mm may not be your jam, but damn, you’re powering through them!

@dawfydd don’t even worry about apologising! Just jump in as and when you feel like it.

@evilstu cheers mate! They’ll be Wild Elves, rather than just Wood Elves, so I’m thinking some warpaint or Mud streaks to dirty them up later.

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