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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] Growing old != growing up Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Growing old != growing up


Cult of Games Member

Are you growing up or just getting older?

It feels like just older every day. Learning new things every day. Like there comes a time when you have to *take care putting your socks on*. Bracing yourself before a big sneeze – when did that become necessary?!

Your birthday: do you care for it or is it just another day?

I care nothing for it. But only because most days it feels like my birthday. Honestly, some days the postie knocks on my door and I can’t believe it’s not my birthday. It’s only the lack of birthday cards with blue five pound notes in them that give the game away.

Do you treat yourself to something special for your birthday or can’t you be bothered?
Always. Because my wife likes to make a fuss. So we always make it a special day.

So what’ve all been up to? I got distracted (again)


I’ve given myself until Monday to get my DOTT diorama finished and app coded up (it’s growing into much more than just a battle-royale type game now; I’ve even added character inventory, so you can carry different weapons, change weapons, find and collect goodies….)

Pledge – by next Friday, I’m pledging to paint a couple of super heroes, finish my diorama, and invite a few other people to join in with my over-the-net play-by-app game. It sounds like a lot right now (especially since there’s also real life to be getting on with inbetween bursts of nerding out) but sometimes you need to push yourself, right?


Saw these guys live, mid-90s. Sure, the look like a cheesy mid-90s rock band (which is exactly what they were). But they were amazing, live. I think I need to spend less time at jam nights pretending I’m in a band, and go see the real thing more often, like I did as a young wannabe-grown-up!

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