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If you missed the news over the last few months that Fifth Angel Studios have picked MERCS with a view to resurrecting this futuristic game of corporate espionage and black ops.
We're back for another Cult Of Games XLBS where Ben, Gerry and Lloyd are venturing into the topic of extinct games which should maybe be given a chance to return to life!
Find out what we and the community have been painting and give us your thoughts on Fluff & Rules in game design...
Megacon Games have now released the new MERCS 2.0 range onto their webstore for you to pick up. Factions new and old are available in plastic as well as the new Rulebook too!
The folks at Megacon Games last month put together an updated package of rules for those of you who have got your hands on MERCS: Recon.
MERCS is a world filled with intrigue and covert corporate action and now J. L. Allan brings us into the world in this story of The Lucky Hand. - Final Part Out Now!
The factions of MERCS grow in number as both the ISS and House 4 get previews over on the MERCS Recon Kickstarter page. Which of these two factions would you rather be part of?
Watch the Google Hangout chat with Megacon Games from Wednesday the 26th of November 2014 at 8:00pm/20:00 GMT! If you have any questions for the folks behind Myth and MERCS then let us know in the comments and we'll put a selection of them to the guys on the night!
This week is Black Friday and that means deals! A few companies out there have been putting together some neat deals for you as the time comes around for thinking about Christmas and getting those all important plastic presents... Updated with New Companies!
Megacon Games are holding a massive Christmas Sale all the way through until December 25th for both Myth and MERCS so see if anything takes your fancy as Myth Week comes to a close.
Backstagers can now enjoy an extended interview with the Megacon crew as we talk more about the future of both MERCS and Myth. Some awesome snippets of information for both of these games so don't miss out!
We're sitting down for a chat with the guys behind Megacon Games who have created such games as the awesome MERCS and of course Myth! If you ever wanted to find out more about these games then you don't want to miss this! More coming in an extended Backstage interview too!
See what you think of some of the previews that are coming your way from the work going into making the MERCS: Recon Kickstarter a reality.
MERCS: Recon closes in on the final few hours of their Kickstarter and there are some epic looking miniatures still to be unlocked!
See what MERCS has in store as it rolls into it's final week on Kickstarter.
It's time to look at some more games and companies at AdeptiCon 2014! We'll be heading out west with Wild West Exodus and building terrain with Knuckleduster. As well as that it's time to chat Myth and MERCS alongside the post-apocalyptic Wreck-Age!
Delve into some more awesome looking stretch goals for the world of MERCS as the Recon Kickstarter hots up.
Have you been pledging towards the upcoming stretch goals for MERCS: Recon? See what you think of the new art and the upcoming targets!
It is on! It's time to breach and clear with the arrival of the MERCS: Recon Kickstarter from Megacon Games.
MERCS: Recon is going to be launching on Kickstarter THIS WEEK so delve inside and check out some of the awesome information on this brilliant sounding game set in the MERCS universe!
It's time for MERCS to set up for a new mission and this time they have ordered Recon to be the operation of the day. See what you think of these new sets.
Check out some brilliant looking concept art for the world of MERCS and one of those awaited factions, the EU Inc.
Check out the 7th member of the ISS Faction for MERCS. This chap is going to make things go boom!
Justin and Lucas are back in the studio with more from MERCS Minis. Today they are breaking out the 7th miniature for the games factions.
The guys from MERCS Minis have sent in the new House 4 Starter Box for us to take a look at and it wouldn't be right to cover this new shiny without bringing back Lukas from our MERCS week to give us his insight as to how this new faction will fit in to the world!
So guys we've been looking through the BoW vaults and have dug up a video that we missed during the Grumpy Old Wargamers Convention and here it is in all its glory and horror.
Hopefully you'll be able to try out the world of Myth from MERCS Minis at Gen Con this year!
When you are need of someone to do the job properly then you better enlist the help of House 4. What do you of these new miniatures for MERCS?
Check out some awesome new sneak peeks into the world of MERCS thanks to their very generous Brian.
Check out this great news for fans of Myth that missed out the first time around. The new Pledge Manager gives you another chance to grab the game and its extras!
A new miniature will soon be joining the USCR company in MERCS, bringing its skill as a gunner in return for their great dental plan.
In the closing hours of the Myth Kickstarter (you could say the Twilight of its fundraising!) Kingdom Death have joined forces with MERCS Minis to bring you another stunning looking Mini-Boss...
The Myth Kickstarter is coming to a close in just a few hours and they have already bust a fair few stretch goals. Let's see if they can crack a few more!
The guys at MERCS Minis have previewed the finished sculpt of a new addition for the East based mega-coroporation Keizai Waza. Their new spy is ready to head onto the battlefield and uncover your secrets.
Deep cover FCC assets have been activated. These long dormant terrorist cells have infiltrated all levels of every MegaCon. No one appears to be safe. A second Dissolution Day has dawned. Only those MegaCons that can identify the threats, eliminate the terrorists, and continue to control their own resources can hope to survive.
Another week of fantastic news from across the gaming world has come to an end with Dystopian Wars, Carnevale and the Convergence of Cyriss making an appearance! Oh and it's the MERCS Global Event today!
Gear up and get ready as the MERCS Global event is now only one day away! Lucas and Justin have therefore decided to squeeze in one last faction tip video before things kick off. Will the Sefadu be your faction of choice?
This weekend we are delighted to be working with the guys behind this fantastic game to bring you the first global campaign day - Operation Paradigm Shift. The action takes place globally on Saturday 13rd April. Where will you be?
The MERCS Global event is closing in and every faction must be prepared! Justin and Lucas therefore take a little time to chat about the Keizai Waza
Mercs – Kem Var – Faction Tips
12 years ago 8The MERCS Global Event is getting ever closer so Justin and Lucas sit down for another chat about one of the factions in MERCS. This time we get to chat about those pesky Brazilians, the Kem Var, with all their stealthy sneaky shenanigans.
The folks behind the awesome MERCS game have another project due to launch on Kickstarter on the 25th of March. Check out some artwork from their new game, Myth!