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A journey into the old world WAAAAGH

A journey into the old world WAAAAGH

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Time to put paint to miniature

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 12
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After some brain storming I decided on a simple paint plan that would be efficient and allow me to paint up roughly ten miniatures at a time.

The painting plan went as follows.

Stage one: first steps

  1. Abaddon Black base coat.
  2. Dawnstone drybrush all over the model.

Stage two: the skin

  1. Base coat with Castellan Green.
  2. Two thin coats of Elysian Green over the Castellan Green.

Stage three: the armour and weapons

  1. Paint the chain mail and several (chosen at random) different armour plates Leadbelcher.
  2. Paint the weapons in Leadbelcher as well.
  3. Paint the leather straps Doombull Brown.

Stage four: it’s washing time!

  1. Wash the armour, weapons and straps with Nuln Oil.
  2. Wash the skin with  Athonian Camoshade.

Stage five: details

  1. Base coat the horns and tusks with Zandri Dust.
  2. Now paint a layer of Ushabti Bone over the Zandri Dust base coat.
  3. Roughly highlight the edges of the Leadbelcher armour plates with Runefang Steel.
  4. Pick out the various Orc glyphs in Hoeth Blue.

Stage six: the base

  1. Layer of PVA glue.
  2. Dip the mini into a tub of Lukes APS Desert Sand and Stone base ready mix.
  3. After the base has dried wash it with Agrax Earthshade.
  4. Add grass tufts where desired.

And here’s the results of two tests models.

Time to put paint to miniature

I was very happy with how they turned out so I painted a couple more.

Time to put paint to miniature

Okay I’m liking how they’re looking ranked up together.

Time to put paint to miniature

Right the plan has been tested and I’m happy with the results. Now comes the batch painting.

Until next time keep yer choppas sharp and never trust those pointy eared gits!

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