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One Page Rules: Age of Fantasy battle report

One Page Rules: Age of Fantasy battle report

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Turn 3

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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As I was still outnumbered I retained initiative for the turn.

Rift Daemons: In a fit of overconfidence the Daemon Champion attacked the Troll giant causing some damage but then getting utterly destroyed in return.

Note: This was, I feel, my first tactical gaff of the game. My champion had wings so he could have flown over the Troll giant and threatened weaker units in my opponents back line or even contested objective 3. His huge damage output coupled with regeneration to resist incoming damage should have been a warning to me. Already outnumbered by enemy activations, the loss of another one was a huge turning point for my opponent.

Goblins: The battered Goblin archer unit finally succeeded in putting some damage onto the Crab Daemon using both arrows and magic from the now revitalised Goblin Wizard.

Rift Daemons: With the right hand side of the table secured the Pink warriors repositioned themselves and moved to defend objective 4, throwing some fireballs at the Troll giant and putting some damage on it.

Goblins: Scenting fresh meat the Troll giant runs toward the Pink Warrior unit.

Rift Daemons: The Crab daemon is fast becoming hemmed in by enemy models and in an attempt to break through to take objective 1, he shoots into the damaged Goblin archer unit, nearly wiping them out. However bolstered by his recent magical efforts the Wizard passes his morale check and the unit fails to run.

Goblins: The undamaged Goblin archer unit move back onto objective 3 to keep it secure in case units from the Daemon players right flank make a move on it. The Wizard successfully uses magic to move the Goblin boss on giant spider into a more central position. With my Crab daemon effectively trapped the Goblin boss has the potential to make it all the way over to my right flank and threaten objectives 4 and 5.

Rift Daemons: The Champion on chariot moves up to support the Pink warriors. Using the Blaze spell he kills a couple of Goblin archers on objective 3 and puts a wound on the Troll giant with his Symbol of Change ability.

Goblins: The Rock trolls move onto objective 1, finally securing it for the Goblin player.

Goblins: The Goblin boss on giant spider moves further over toward the Pink warriors and Champion on chariot.

Note: My opponent played a fantastic screening game in this and the next turn. Deleting even a small Goblin unit in this game is no mean feat and using these cheap units to screen out the objectives from my larger units was critical to my opponents success.

At the end of the turn the Goblin player controls objectives 1, 2 and 3. The Daemon player control 4 and 5.

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