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The Great Grey Massacre.

The Great Grey Massacre.

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A not so English Country Garden.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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A not so English Country Garden.

So this one started during the first summer of quarantine. I saw a Geek Gaming Scenics video on foam clay and I had seen an earlier one about Sculptamould. Having a temporary setup the lightness of those materials compared to the ready mixed filler pieces I had previously been making seemed preferable for ferrying between my table and the spare room. I had a quick play and made these two small outcrops. I was pleased with them but it was 18 months later before I did anything further.

I am very close now to having all the basics to play Rangers of Shadow Deep but I noticed while flicking through several of the books you needed a load of rocky outcrops. I also had my eye on Gail Force Nines Dragons Grave however on arrival it seemed a bit bland.

The basic bases were made of foam core. I then stuck on rocks made from Foam Clay and Woodland Scenics push moulds. I then used Sculptamould to flesh out the landmass and merge in the rocks.

Some heavy dry brushing on the rocks. A base coat of Eshin Grey. An overbrush of Coat dArms Dark Grey. A heavy drybrush of Grey Seer and then lighter dry brushes of Coat dArms Horse tone grey and light Grey. A wash/glaze of their Flesh Wash and then a heavy wash of Nuln Oil.

The sides and the hills and ground were given a coat of cheap craft green mixed with black that was close enough to Goblin Green. Then I flocked them and set about the foliage. The flowering bushes and plants were all variations of Gerry’s Gerry Can on Flowersoft. I also made use of a variety of creeping vine, fake moss and the remains of my 4Ground Scrim foliage (I really wish I had ordered more of that stuff when I had the chance). The cherry blossom trees were from Woodland Scenics and I must say I was quite disappointed with them. Their cost did not seem to match their quality albeit I am somewhat biased from having made my own trees from scratch a while back and I think I am now a harsh judge on commercial ones as a result.

I really like how the resin pieces turned out as well.

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