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Boats and Yo Ho Ho's

Boats and Yo Ho Ho's

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Battle Report: Tribal Conquests

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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Good Friday was upon me, the figures were 90% done. I dug out the tropical islands and set about making a layout.

Battle Report: Tribal Conquests

We all set off on different islands ready to lay waste to inferior tribes, there were a couple of ways to score points, your shaman being alive at the end of the turn and shaman with most kills. Given that there are a quite a few troop types I decided to write the class on the bases so we knew what was what, especially helpful given that I was using proxy miniatures

Normally the game is played on a less watery map, so we added house rules. Shamans have a spell called flatten which can remove terrain, we decided that this allowed for ladders to be removed. We also decided water was insta-death which added to the hilarity given the amount of spells that pushed/pulled or caused random movement. Fortunately shamans can respawn if killed.

All in all it was a fun and brutal game, there are a lot more rituals and warband compositions to explore so there’s definitely a lot of replay potential. The developers are actively writing extra rules and mechanics for things such as summoning terrain. I’d like to see some form of narrative campaign set up to play over a series of conflicts. Overall I enjoyed it enough to pick up a copy of the rules and find myself a better/cooler looking shaman proxy. One of my friends is toying with an Ewok tribe…I’m considering lemurs. We’re not right…none of us are right.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome job. Table looks great by the way.
It has strong Frostgrave vibes for me with the emphasis being on fun and story telling.
Probably gonna have to check it out.

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