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Para Bellum’s Conquest Of America Road Trip

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Para Bellum are off on a proper American Road Trip, traveling right the way across that star-spangled land of the free and bringing their game Conquest with them.

Keep an eye out for them across these dates:

  • 3/9/2019-3/10/2019 Golden Distribution Open Day
  • 3/11/2019 - 3/15/2019 GAMA Trade Show
  • 3/16/2019 – 3/18/2019 Salt Lake City (In-store Event)
  • 3/18/2019 – 3/20/2019 Denver / Fort Collins (In-store Event)
  • 3/20/2019 – 3/22/2019 Kansas City (In-store Event)
  • 3/22/2019 – 3/23/2019 St. Louis (In-store Event)
  • 3/23/2019 – 4/2/2019 Chicago AdeptiCon

The Para Bellum team are going to be blogging their adventure as they head across the USA, so be sure to check back here to see how they are getting on.

Make sure to keep an eye out for them in your city!

Blogging At This Event:

KonstantEko Para Bellum Entries by this blogger

Hello from Reno, NV!


So! The guys are already in Reno, NV and have some first images for us! The days before a show are always packed with, well, packing and unpacking, so for now we only have a brief hello from them, right before they set up for GAMA. But fret not! We’ll get more content every day and Leo will soon announce the specific shops we’re visiting along the road.

Stay tuned, as we get more images and videos from from the Peppermill Hotel in Reno, NV, and the GAMA Trade Show 2019!

Leo's Life Changes

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Hey there! Some 17 hours of flying later, I was finally able to see the material sent by the guys for editing. Yannis and Leo are back! Or are they? I shake my head in a disappointed fashion as I bring to you the second episode of their misadventures in the US…

I think it is obvious that the team is falling apart without me. Fret not. I am on US soil and will fix this mess! Stay tuned.

KonstantEko Para Bellum Entries by this blogger

On the road!

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Having convinced Leo that the shortest and surest way to make it in Hollywood (see Ep.2) is to star in a future Conquest video like “Things Forgotten”, the team is assembled once more. Like an angry, mechanical beast, our Dodge growled down the I-80… preventing the camera’s mic from hearing what we said in the car quite a bit but we fixed that.

From Reno to Salt Lake City, we cut through Nevada, like three pioneers of the old Wild West, going the wrong way. And then… We found the moon.

From Reno to Salt Lake City, we cut through Nevada like three pioneers of the old Wild West going the wrong way.

If you thought we would show you a romantic shot of the moon over the desert, you have not understood entirely the kind of blog this is.

KonstantEko Para Bellum Entries by this blogger

The Debate

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We need your help! A heated debate marked our ride through Wyoming, as we left Salt Lake City in our rear mirror. Our next step is Fort Collins and Denver Colorado but on the road, tensions rose and only you can settle this for us!

So, what do you think? Is Leo right? Or am I? Get a character named after you if you make the right choice.

KonstantEko Para Bellum Entries by this blogger

The Long Road

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After having a wonderful time at Gryphon Games and Comics in Fort Collins, we leave Denver and Colorado behind us, heading East on the I-70, for the longest planned drive of our trip. Our destination is Kansas City and that means we need to cross the entire state of the Sunflower State: Kansas. So when I gently suggest we visit the Monument Rocks of Kansas, Yannis is not too thrilled…

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Cult of Games Member

Woot! People are going to be in my neck of the woods

Cult of Games Member

road trip gaming.