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Cult of Games Member

@mage yes a lot of options there. Black Dragons would take a bit of converting but would be do-able. White Scars could also be fun – I don’t really mind painting in white as much as everyone else seems to… Marines Malevolent or Flesh Tearers might be nice form a thematic perspective. Couldn’t see myself doing Celestial Lions, things just didn’t work out too well for them… Although using the Primaris form the Dark Imperium box to represent a reinforcing/rebuilding of the chapter could prove interesting…

For those who may be wondering why I am so excited about the prospect of revisiting a nearly 20 year old campaign there was a 2 part series in White Dwarf from 2000 showing a narrative battle report, and I am yet to see a BatRep for a game that looks like it would have been as much fun as this one.

The main tank factory table was comprised of 3 gaming boards, each 6×4 foot, so the resulting table was 6×12 foot of beautifully thematic tabletop with imperial guard, blood angels and salamanders holding off against an invading Ork horde. There were then another three tables – a space hulk in orbit which was launching strikes down against the main table (ie off-board artillery dripping shells onto the main table) where a marine boarding party (templars) was despatched to take out the guns, a hill table where an imperial battery was also launching artillery onto the main table had to hold out against recycling waves of greenskins attempting to knock out their basilisk cannons, and the final table was an 8×6 foot affair with fast attack support forces (White Scars vs Speed Freaks) clashed, with the victor being able to roll their remaining forces onto the main table as a support force.

All four games were played concurrently with players from each team controlling each force (so 1 player for each of the support tables, can’t remember if the main table had 2 or 3 per side?). Write Up was done in a narrative style from the perceptive of the various combattants. Full credit to GW on this one, they really went above and beyond here. I’ve wanted to attempt something similar ever since 🙂

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