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Reply To: Recruitment: YOU NEED US! (UJWC)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Recruitment: YOU NEED US! (UJWC) Reply To: Recruitment: YOU NEED US! (UJWC)



Let’s see my pledge is getting my last Death Guard models done and starting some Primaris Marines.

1. No world isn’t coming to the end. What you talked about is harmless thing that shouldn’t bother anyone. If they want to do that then I say let them. It’s not our business to judge them.

2. I don’t like way people on internet use word trigger because I think that it undermines those with PTSD that have that very real condition triggered. So in other words I don’t get triggered like idiots like “anti-SJW” idiots like to put it. I am better than that.

3. Oh it’s fact alright. It has been proven to be real by scientist not under payroll of big corporations and there has been far more natural disasters than before that speaks for those being real.


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