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Not sure if its my connection at home, but I have tried posting this 4 times, so if suddenly there are multiple similar posts that’s why!

I suspect we will get either a Team preview article on Warhammer Community on Monday or a star player preview.

My Money is still on the Count and G’ral.

Thoughts on what they team will look like.

A Vampire Blitzer with Juggernaut to start is mad! On average he is two dicing most players on a blitz and the ability to turn a both down into a push will turn him into a tank.

Imagine he blitz’s the corner of a cage pushes a play back, you have a Strength 4 piece right on your ball carrier, that’s two assists just to get a two dice block on the vamp.

A Vampire runner with MA 8 is also mad, unless they get a strength or agility deduction that’s like a super powerful Elf running all over the place. Give these the ball and if their stats don’t change they are ST4 dodging around on a 2+. That’s a difficult piece to get the ball off – once they get block or dodge, you have a huge problem!

I can see the thrower getting his ST reduced, as they will be to fancy and aristocratic to get involved in a fight!

I am doubtful now that Vamp’s have 3 different positional’s that they will get some sort of big guy. I think they would just be two overpowered, unless the new Blood Lust trait really Nerf’s them.

Maybe I can see them getting a huge vampire that has devolved into a animal form that has loads of nega traits as a star player.

No matter who we get, the actual team looks awesome, and I cannot wait to get them!

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