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BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

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This topic contains 78 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 2 hours, 20 minutes ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    This is 100% CGL mess up and not QML.

    And you can proof that how? I see now way for anybody outside CGL and QML really knowing what happened. Plus if I understand correctly QML got the size of certain items wrong which blew the whole thing even higher.

    From what I can tell: somebody put in wrong data at backerkit. Either because they got wrong data to begin with from QML or because QML had received wrong data to work with. Yes, somewhere at some point someone should have made a data sanity check. On both sides IMHO because that’s why CGL pays QML to do the logistics. Both companies should have an interest in receiving and providing correct data.

    Who ever is at fault here and does seppuku after all is cleared doesn’t really matter. They noticed an error, they communicated very openly and they are trying to fix it.

    Again: if my shipping goes down considerately I’m willing to let this pass as human error. (Let’s face it, we all to make mistakes) If my shipping stays at a level that is not “almost local delivery” *then* I’ll be grabbing my pitchforks.

    Of course anybody who looses trust over this to CGL has the right to do so. But at least acknowledge the fact that CGL is doing more than most other crowd funding campaigns have done so in the past year with similar problems.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m seeing my shipping currently zeroed out too so will wait and see though i’ll be honest i was reasonably happy with the amount. It was ~20% of the pledge value for me, this aligns with other previous kickstarters I’ve had (such as Blood & Crowns) where the shipping was also 20%. Though in both cases that extra 20% of VAT in addition to shipping resulted in a actual total nearly half as much again on top.

    And you can proof that how? I see now way for anybody outside CGL and QML really knowing what happened. Plus

    Got to agree with this, its really on both of them, CGL should maybe have done more checking, so should QML who where contracted in specifically to handle the distribution.

    I really don’t see what more CGL could do, they have admitted to a mistake, kept people informed and started taking corrective action to address it, as companies go they have been very open and transparent. Mistakes happen, they also get corrected, if this was another company *cough mythic cough* they would be holding shipments hostage and demanding extra funds. In the grand scheme of large international Kickstarters this one has been handles extremely well so far in my view.


    Cult of Games Member

    One of the reasons I haven’t pledged on a US based kickstarter for years now.  Or indeed bought anything from the US at all for a good while.  US pricing sucks, and US shipping pricing sucks big hairy balls.



    double post.



    @osbad agreed! How is it possible that I can order from the UK and EU to Canada cheaper than the U.S.? Makes no sense. U.S. Post rates are obscene.



    Cult of Games Member

    Another update from CGL

    Hey there, backers!

    To follow-up on last week’s update, QML is currently working their way through our list and making adjustments to shipping prices that will correct both the error with the Savannah BattleMat and the packing fees. This recalculation could take a couple of weeks, and we will be doing everything in our power to help expedite this process on our end.

    For any backers who have already charged their cards based on what they saw in BackerKit, please rest assured that we will be refunding the remaining amount after we have posted the correct shipping charges. We are also looking further into the complexity of taxes and VATs to certain areas to double check that everything is correct, thank you backers for pointing us in that direction.

    Thank you backers for any and all feedback, it truly does help us do right by you.


    Cult of Games Member

    News from CGL:

    Hey there, backers!

    To follow-up on last week’s update, QML is currently working their way through our list and making adjustments to shipping prices that will correct both the error with the Savannah BattleMat and the packing fees. This recalculation could take a couple of weeks, and we will be doing everything in our power to help expedite this process on our end.

    For any backers who have already charged their cards based on what they saw in BackerKit, please rest assured that we will be refunding the remaining amount after we have posted the correct shipping charges. We are also looking further into the complexity of taxes and VATs to certain areas to double check that everything is correct, thank you backers for pointing us in that direction.

    Thank you backers for any and all feedback, it truly does help us do right by you.

    I’d say “they are really trying”. Still waiting the final numbers though 😉


    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    Dang it! Beaten by seconds XD


    Cult of Games Member

    You snooze you loose 🤪


    Cult of Games Member

    So some news from the recent Catalyst live stream:

    By the end of this week (Time of writing 24.04.2024) there should be an update on Backerkit with new shipping fees. Shipping goal is end of May early June.

    Any bets on those dates? XD


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m betting that it’s going to change.

    And even if they start in late May / early June that still doesn’t mean we’re going to have our goodies in either of those months.

    I’d add a few months for them to reach 90% status … and if and only if all hubs co-operate at full speed.

    For context : between my Blood&Crown pledge arriving at customs and me getting my paws on it was more than a week, because of the incompetent *beeps* at either customs or the local delivery service.


    Cult of Games Member

    But hey, at least we are almost there 🙂



    Looks like they decided to pour salt in the wound withe the revised shipping costs.


    Cult of Games Member

    How so @tankkommander?

    I’ve just checked my my shipping cost currently is listed at $45, previously it was $63, that seems very reasonable to me considering I have a largish Battalion pledge.

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