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Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!

Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!

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A weasel with a blunderbuss...

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 11

Not a lot to show this time… the last couple of weeks have been spent on paperwork and year-end accounts, doing irritating and dull business stuff, and grabbing the odd moment to sculpt. So I didn’t get the chance to take step-by-step piccies unfortunately.

I decided to sculpt a weasel / stoat (they’re pretty much the same thing in Burrows & Badgers), based on one of the pics from the rulebook.

The pics tend to be a bit cartoony, so I wasn’t planning an exact version; it would need modifying to fit in with the aesthetic of the rest of the miniatures.


A weasel with a blunderbuss...

There’s an old Ork conversion from the 3rd edition 40k Ork Codex which I’ve always loved; it’s an Ork with a big shoota, being blown backwards by recoil. I’ve always fancied sculpting a mini in a similar pose, and I reckoned the weasel with a blunderbuss was the ideal opportunity… so I posed the armature.

A weasel with a blunderbuss...

I didn’t take pics after that… I was spending too much time grumbling at the Inland Revenue, and being messed about by our landlords. Still, I did manage to finish the sculpt!
So, here he is:

A weasel with a blunderbuss...

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Cult of Games Member

Another awesome sculpt, I particularly like the cuffs of all things!

Cult of Games Member

Could you make a squirrel with a flick knife or even better a badger with nunchucks?

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