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On the Trail of Cthulhu

On the Trail of Cthulhu

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Cthulhu and Cie

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
The great Cthulhu is less impressive than the baby sized  'miniatures' that was offered with the KS but is still an interesting addition to the  unspeakable menagerie.The great Cthulhu is less impressive than the baby sized 'miniatures' that was offered with the KS but is still an interesting addition to the unspeakable menagerie.
Cthulhu and Cie
The spawns are barely smaller and can be painted along with Cthulhu so as to save time and create a more unified look.The spawns are barely smaller and can be painted along with Cthulhu so as to save time and create a more unified look.

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Pierre Gravelatrickabod41 Recent comment authors
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Not sure it’s correct on any level to call this gorgeous – but my word – the paint job on these (and most of everything you have posted on this blog) is simply gorgeous.

Well done!

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