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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood of Venice

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood of Venice

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Apprentice Assassins

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 8
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As these are the hero models that will be used in many scenarios I decided to use my conventional painting style rather than use the Army Painter Speed Paints for these models. Having said that, they are still board game pieces so highlighting will be minimal.

There are 4 models in two variants (2 male and 2 female). I saw a cool colour scheme online where someone used red and black to accent the white robes. I decided to use red on one or each sex and black on one of each sex giving me unique  combinations so that each model could be differentiated during play.

Male Assassins

All base colours are from the Vallejo Model Color range.

Robes – Deck Tan

Bracers, shoes, pouches and straps – Leather Brown

Scabbard, leg wraps – Neutral Grey

Sash – Flat red

Piping on robe and face mask – either Flat Red or Black

Metals e.g. knife blades – Oily Steel

Skin – Dark Flesh

Female Assassins

All base colours are from the Vallejo Model Color range.

Robes – Deck Tan

Boots, pouches and straps – Leather Brown

Sash – Flat red

Piping on robe – either Flat Red or Black

Metals e.g. knife blades – Oily Steel

Skin – Dark Flesh

Shoes – Black

Hair – Gold Brown on one and Red Leather one the second

With all the base colours down, I applied Citadel Nuln Oil wash to all of the models except any areas of skin (e.g. face and hands).

To the face and hands I applied Citadel Agrax Earthshade to keep some warmth in the base tones.

With this done I highlighted the robes with VMC White to bring out all the folds and details.

To make the faces and hands catch the eye more I also highlighted them with VMC Basic Skintone.

I did not apply highlights to any other part of the models at this stage but I could always go back and do this at a later stage.

Apprentice Assassins

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