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Star Trek Free Print&Play

Star Trek Free Print&Play

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Project Blog by grbour Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 74

About the Project

I came up with an idea of creating a Star Trek skirmish game that has more of a Star Trek feel. Some thing that people can be easily print up and learn to play with minimum components. All anybody needs is the rule book, ship dashboards, ship tokens and standard D6 dice.

This Project is Active

Battle Report Story

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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    It’s all out war, all treaties are cancelled shortly after the Dominion war. All the factions,Federation, Romulan, Klingon and Dominion are skirmishing even the Borg are starting to push intotheir territories.
    The Federation detected a Klingon scouting group crossing the neutral zone and sent the nearest group to intercept them. A Constitution and 2 Miranda classes detected the Klingon group composed of a K’tinga and 2 B’rel classes which instantly cloaked. “Red alert, all hand to battle stations!”
    To counter the cloaked ships the Federation group transferred power from their shields to their sensors, in the hope that they can hit the Klingon blips. All the Federation ships fire their phasers at the closing barely detected Klingon ships only scoring one hit. The B’rels start to setup a flanking attack on the Miranda 1. Once the B’rels are in position they de-cloak and fire all weapons at the Miranda 1 striking the ship with multiple hits, but the shields still held. The K’tinga de-cloaks and fires its
disruptors at the Miranda 2 missing most shots. The Federation ships retaliate and strike back at the de-cloaked B’rels causing some damage to their shields.
    The B’rels transfer some of their shields to reinforce their weakened ones. They then change targets and go after the Constitution Class scoring some hits on its starboard side. The Miranda 2 transferred sensors back to its shields, then all of the Federation the ships fire on both B’rels scoring some damaging hits.
    Finally the after some time just reacting to the Klingons manoeuvres, the Federation gets the upper hand. The Miranda 1 transfers power from sensors to its weakened shields, locks on to the B’rel 2 and fires all phasers and torpedoes on its weakened shields. All three phasers shred the last of the shields and strike the B’rel 2’s hull causing damage, but it is one of the Miranda 1’s torpedoes that struck the deadly blow hitting it in the main deck destroying the ship.
    The Miranda 1 transfers shields to their weapons to try and keep the pressure on the K’tinga, but the enemy ship evaded most of the phasers. Unfortunately the B’rel 1 charged the Miranda 1 ,with vengeance, firing both of its disruptor cannons shredding the Miranda 1’s hull. “All hands aband…..” a final torpedo fired from the B’rel detonates destroying the bridge leaving the ship a smouldering wreck. The Constitution attempted to save the Miranda 1 by firing on the B’rel damaging its impulse engines. Meanwhile the K’tinga fires its disruptors on the remaining Miranda Class damaging its sensors, then cloaks. The Constitution and Miranda fire on the B’rel. The cloaked K’tinga makes an emergency turn to face the Constitution and transfers impulse power to the weapons, but holds fire waiting for the right time to strike.
    The Constitutions suddenly receives some hits from disruptors and a torpedo but not from the B’rel. No ship can fire when it is cloaked, except one ship. The Miranda transfers its forward shields to the port side then fires its phasers on the B’rel destroying it. The Constitution detects a cloaked signature and fires hitting successfully the K’tinga. The K’tinga still under cloak fires at the Miranda and Constitution causing slight damage to both ships. The captain of the Miranda is trying to understand how a ship can fire under cloak, when suddenly the K’tinga decloaks and fires its disruptors critically hitting the ship. The last thoughts of the captain before he felt the coldness of space, was the horrors of Klingon ships able to fire while remaining cloaked.
    The Constitution’s captain seeing the last Federation ship succumb to the Klingons fires at the K’tinga. Both ships battle exchanging blows, the Constitution heavily hit in the skirmish. The Captain decided to end this battle with one decisive and final blow. “Engineering, prepare for warp on my command!” the captain order. “Prepare to fire all weapons on my orders only”, said the captain as he stands up out of his command chair. Glaring at the K’tinga Class through the damaged view screen the captain gave the order. “The Picard manoeuvre. Now!” the ship warps towards the K’tinga and exited warp 400 meters from the K’Tinga. “Fire!” yelled the captain. All the Constitution’s weapons fired, phasers and both torpedoes. The forward phasers sliced through the side of the K’tinga splitting it open, then first torpedo strikes the K’tinga in the impulse engines blowing a gaping hole. The second torpedo does not detonate but punches a hole clean through the bridge section on the ship.
    The captain stands firm, fists clenched, sweat dripping from his brow as he is watching the destruction of the final Klingon ship.

Game Manual

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 4

Here is the rules for the game. I’m happy were the rules are in general but I might still tinker with the details. Soon I will publish the dashboards for the ships and the tokens once I’m finished making some corrections.

Extra info

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

Thank you for your interest.

Here are some screen shots of the information on some of the ships and weapons that I am currently working with, along with a dashboard template. These will give you an idea of what the player and the ships are able of doing.

This week, I will finish correcting the dashboards that I have created and next month I should have a couple Cardassian and Borg ships. It takes me a while just to research the ships, weapon types, weapon locations, etc.

The ships

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Here are the ships and their dashboards. I plan on adding some Borg ships by the end of next month.

I’m very open to any suggestions you may have.

Please have fun!

Cloaking Rules

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4

Thank you for good suggestions for cloaking ships. I decided to make some additions that will make cloaking more useful.

  • Ambush: before deployment the player with cloaked ships may place his ships  in reserve, then during any turn (except turn 1)  before the Initiative Phase they deploy all ships up to 8″ from any board edge excluding the opponents. This can be done on any turn after turn 1. The ships then can each make one free move and one free attack.
  • The other variation is instead of the board edge, they would deploy 12″ from all enemy ships.

So I need to test to see which of the two will work better.

The other idea was for Romulans only as they have a more advanced cloaking device.

  • When a Romulan ship cloaks it is replaced with 2 Ping Tokens, these tokens move like the cloaked ships but must stay up to 3″ from each other. When an enemy ship successfully hits one of the tokens (needing 6’s to hit) the tokens are flipped to reveal the location of the real ship; replace that token with the actual ship, removing all tokens associated with that ship. If it is the ship that was hit, then damage is applied; the ship remains cloaked. During the ships activation if it remains cloaked it is again replaced by 2 Ping Tokens.

Below is an up to date file for the ships.


Thank you for your interest and suggestions.


Battle Report and update

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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For the battle it was the Federation (2 Miranda class Destroyers and 1 Excelsior class Heavy Cruiser) against the Romulans (4 D7 class Heavy Cruisers).

I was testing some new mechanics. The cloak ambush and the new Romulan cloaking mechanic. See previous post for the information on these two ideas.

The Romulans did not deploy as normal, because they were setting up an ambush.

Turn one the Federation ships activated and moved.

Turn two the Romulans deployed, two on each flank, and started their attack run critically damaging one of the Mirandas. The damaged Miranda survived by transferring power to the downed shield, but was then destroyed on turn 4. On turn five the Excelsior managed to destroy on Romulan D7.

The game ended on turn six with no other losses resulting in a Federation win, 42 to 37.


I will be scrapping the idea of the Romulan ship being replaced with Ping Tokens when they cloak but keeping the Ambush idea, which I like.

I think that I will reluctantly change the system from a D6 to a D10. The only reason I was using D6 is because it is a die that most people have. Unfortunately I feel that the D6 is restricting the game, and the D10 will allow more room. For example it will make the cloaking system easier, hitting cloaked Rolmulans on a 10 and cloaked Klingons on a 8. Transferring power to systems (Sensors, ECM etc) will be more advantageous.

That being said it will take me a while to update the rules and ship information. I am also reworking the ship dashboards to make it easier for me to update, so maybe I will be done in a month or so. The core of the game will not change, just the details.

Any suggestions is much appreciated.

Game Files for D6 system

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Here are the files for the D6 system for the game, if anyone wants to play it. I updated and corrected some files.




If there are any problems let me know. Have fun.

Major Update

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

I finally update the game to a D10 system along with many other changes. I took me longer than I planned.

Here is a list of changes:

  • Changed from D6 to D10
  • Added two types of cloak
    • Cloak (Klingon) hit on 8+
    • Cloak II (Romulan) hit on 9+
  • Added type 8 phasor and type 10 phasor
  • Cleaned up the ship templates
  • Moved the charts from the dashboards and placed them on their own sheet
  • Rewritten some of the rules
  • Added some Federation and Borg ships.

Below you will find the links for the updated files.

Quick Reference


If you have any comments, suggestions or questions they are much appreciated.

Please have fun and enjoy.

New Scenario

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Here is a scenario based on “Balance of Terror” from the original series.  grimwolfuk (thank you) gave me a good idea for cloaking that would work for a scenario.

In the scenario one player must destroy the cloaked ship before the end of turn 6 and the other player with the cloaked ship must survive. I recommend 2 ships for every cloaked ship. The cloaked hip can be any ship with a cloaking device.

For the scenario you will need all the regular documents (you can find them in the previous post) a grid mat and a way to track the movements of the cloak ship.

I have only tested this scenario twice and both tests were a failure.  The cloaked ship easily evaded the other ships. I since added some more actions like a scan and a detection grid to correct this, but I have not yet tested the changes. I am quite sure the additions will work well so I decided to publish it anyway as I don’t know when I will be able to do more testing.

As always your input and ideas are always appreciated.

Please have fun.

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