40K Iron Warriors by Mage updated 18/08
Recommendations: 1
About the Project
Another detachment of Chaos Space Marines. These are some older models refurbished and intended for speed painting. Enjoy!
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Entry 6: WIP HQ Models
An old metal Sorcerer in Power Armour which I put on a larger base. I love this guy.
Another Dark Vengeance Chaos Lord converted. I removed the horns, gave him a Chosen model’s power axe (also from the Dark Vengeance set) and replaced the hand with a Cultist Champion’s (also from Dark Vengeance). Im happy with this dude. I might re-base him though.
A metal GW Iron Warriors Warsmith. Also a model I love.
It was this model that made me realise I was really enjoying doing a squad and character in Iron Warriors colours with the speed painting guide. Thus I began batch painting and doing a full detachment of them.
Entry 5: Work in Progress Land Raider
Another Chaos Space Marine model I sprayed and re appropriated for my Iron Warriors. This is a much larger one and will act as a transport for my Lord and accompanying Terminators.
As you can see it is too big for my light box.
It still needs more work on the basecoats. I will continue the basecoats on the army overall and come back to this guy for a little work as breaks between squads to break the tedium and grind.
Entry 4: Work in Progress Bikes and Chaos Lord on Bike
I converted a Chaos Lord a while back on a bike, and kind of forgot about him. Now he is at home accompanying a squad of bikes. Ill most likely give them the mark of Nurlge in game and there are a few hints of their allegiance here and there on the models.
They are almost done getting basecoats and touch ups before moving onto washses and details.
I believe all I need to do is add some Rakarth Flesh to the horns and bits, possibly Bugmans Glow to the flayed skin seats. Also maybe some more Mechanicus Standard Grey. They are a little bright and shiny but I like how they have come out so far and its nice to test myself with lighter colours, yellows and working over a metal spray before inevitably giving multiple dark washes, hazard stripes and weathering.
Entry 3: Two basecoated Bikers
I’ve been batch painting a large amount of models and while t has been fun it has also been slow
So these are before moving to the washes stage
I’ve done a lot of yellow, and traditionally I’m bad at it, so this felt like both a hurdle, self imposed challenge and kind of throwback to 40k of the 90s where stuff in White Dwarf was BRIGHT
(1) Gunemtal spray (Army Painter: all other paints are Citadel from here in out)
(2) Yellow armour panels: 3 thin coats of Averland Sunset
(3) Eyes: 2 thin coats of Mephiston Red
(4) Black panels: 2 thin coats of Abaddon Black
(5) Tyres, armour joins, vents, cables, older highlights: 2 thin coats of Mechanicus Standard Grey
(6) Horns, skulls: 2 thin coats of Rakarth Flesh
Entry 2: Chaos Bikers and Terminators
Originally I was going paint the bikers in the original army as the Purge (5th edition Codex) before Legion keywords and detachments were a thing. It was just to mix up the army and provide a change of colour.
The five Terminators are leftover my previous army and intended to make them Khorne Termaintors. The previous army has about ten or fifteen Terminators so these were kind of spare.
Everything was dusted and sprayed over with army painter Gunmetal spray.
I used a large GW brush to dust the model and use it exclusively for that purpose. You can see how dusty the model is in the second picture, and a third is how I carry out the simple task.
Converted Chaos Lord with Power Fist and Multi Melta. I forgot I made this guy and love how he looks. Two of the Marines I snapped the hands off of and they will get special weapons at some point. I primed everything else.
I’m happy with the mix of units in the army so far. I have a lot more models that are not pictured yet and have had more progress made on their paint job. When I fix my Light Box I will update this with same.
It wasn’t a bad day at all for spraying models. While my army painter Gunmetal Grey primer is out of date by two years it still went on fine. Maybe a little tiny teeny weeney bit grainy but it suits the gritty look of wethered, battered Iron Warriors who weather sieges.
The Terminators in all their glory. I know they are only primed, but they still look really good after it! I have to touch them up a little by hand as I missed a few nooks and crannies with the previous red paint showing through.
Finally a hint as to what is coming next…
Entry 1: Converted Chaos Lord
Over the last couple of weeks I rooted out an old Chaos Space Marine army I started about ten years ago. Some of the models did not quite fit anymore or I had too much of some stuff and I realised I could make a second army out of these hodgepodge units. The original Slaanesh army I did already had a lot of units and focussed on Mechanised Infantry (various Chaos Marines and cult troops in Rhinos) and many Terminators.
Alas I digress. The codex books and how you structure an army has changed a little and I had a lot of spare units that probably would not get table time. With the leftovers I had another army to go and after doing a test model with a GW speed painting guide from Warhammer TV I chose to do Iron Warriors. Loving their background and enjoying the painting guide was a match made in the Warp.
Below is Forge World’s Chaos Lord Zhufhor, slightly modified and mildly converted by yours truly. I wanted a smashier weapon.
For more information on Zhufor, check these out:
I sprayed him Army Painter Gunmetal, over a previous paint job.