Bushido Gets Explosive With Ryu’s Guardsmen

December 6, 2013 by brennon

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GCT Studios have plenty more coming on the Bushido front it seems and their latest snap shot has been of a highly explosive model for Ryu and a sneaky look forward to what is coming in the near future with the next wave.

Guardsman of Ryu

We start things off with that very Guardsmen of Ryu with a rather large dragon shaped rifle. As the fluff behind this weapon suggests it's more to do with the fear the weapon instills than the actual damage and accuracy of it. Although I imagine being hit by the rifle does a fair amount of damage.

Wave Teaser

Cult of Yurei

As well as the look at a new model we also have a look towards the next wave. The artwork that has been revealed so far is for the Cult of Yurei. Also if you'd like to get in on the speculation if you comment on Facebook you can win one of the models when they are released!

Plenty of miniatures on the way for Bushido!

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