AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day Three

Mech Attack is Everything An Old School Gamer Could Want
Mech Attack is an old style PDF game that uses all kinds of big scale minis from a multitude of games including Dust 1947, old battle mechs, and Bolt Action. We stumbled across this great game while roaming these halls and it caught our eye with all of the carnage happening at this table.
I would enjoy that is there any rules to download?
Yep! Just posted some links a few posts down.
That looks cool, are there rules?
Can you destroy the buildings?
The Mech Attack Terrain Pack has rules for destroying buildings. We’ve had destroyable objective structures in previous convention games but we streamlined things for this years game and didn’t include damaging buildings.
That looks awesome. Echoing the other guys – are there rules?
Sounds like out may be a game rules set that you can fit just about any models that fit the genera. I’m sure they will respond with a like or something. Looks like fun
As you guessed, it’s not a game that’s attached to any particular setting. The game provides you with some basic mech profiles and you can customize them at will. Folks on the forums have put up stats of various builds.
Hah that’s an awesome table. Looks like a lot of fun.
We are trying to reach out to the guys to see if we can get the rules for you to download.
I would love to see the rules for this.
This is relevant to my husband’s interests!
Whena Game is prety good I’d doesnt matter how old it are.
I really like the idea of a game in which models from any company can be used.
I need a battletech / mechwarrior game with nice looking models. Capellan Confederation for the win!
The rules we used are Mech Attack, available at Wargames Vault-
It comes with paper minis you can print out, but this is how we play it.
You can see more of the games we play on our blog-
Hey Folks, Karl here from Chicago Skirmish Wargames (CSW), the Chicago club that put on the game above. “Mech Attack!” is published by Armorgrid Games (no connection to CSW) and is available for download on Wargames Vault. I describe it to folks as a fast-playing game that has a Battletech’ish “feel” but has 1/10th the rules and plays in 1/4th the time. It is very flexible and has a nice easy unit creation mechanic for statting up your own mechs, vehicles and infantry. Beta flyer rules are up at the companies forum Written as a 15mm game (even comes with… Read more »
This was interesting!
Great game!