Osprey Publishing Set The Scene For The Cthulhu Wars

March 2, 2016 by brennon

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Looking at more from the world of alternative history Osprey Publishing have added The Cthulhu Wars to their webstore for pre-order. This could make for a great sourcebook for your Weird World War games and role-playing adventures...

The Cthulhu Wars

So what's in the book?

"From the Patriots' raid on the necromancer Joseph Curwen to the Special Forces' assault on Leng in 2007, this unique document reveals the secret and terrible struggle between the United States and the supernatural forces of Cthulhu. In this war, immortal cultists worship other-dimensional entities and plot to raise an army of the dead.

Incomprehensible undersea intelligences infiltrate and colonize American seaports, and alien races lurk beneath the ice of Antarctica and high in the mountains of Afghanistan. It is only through constant vigilance and violence that the earth has surived. Also included are threat reports describing the indescribable - humanity's deadliest foes serving Cthulhu and the other Great Old Ones.

Strange times are upon us, the world is changing, and even death may die - but, until then, the war continues."

Does this sound like a book you'd be interested in? It won't be out until May 19th so you have plenty of time to decide if you want to give yourself over to Cthulhu.

What do you think?

"This could make for a great sourcebook for your Weird World War games and role-playing adventures..."

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