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13th Armoured Division Sable Knights - Commander Glofski’s Squadron

13th Armoured Division Sable Knights - Commander Glofski’s Squadron

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Commander Glofski and her Squadron from the 13th Armoured Division - Sable Knights

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Dead man’s shoes

The detritus of the road splashed on the Commissar’s boots as the dull thump of a body hitting the pock-marked tarmac dissipated. Commissar Gregorius Owen looked at the young, immaculately dressed officer in front of him.

“Commander Phillipo Ostwald was found wanting. Not only did he manage to lose valuable Imperial resources through ineptitude, but he is a charlatan – a fraudulent narcissist only interested in his own survival such that he will sacrifice loyal servants of the Imperium to sustain his false position and fabricate official reports to deny and absolve his accountability.”

The Commissar paused and peered through the smoke at three battered Leman Russ tanks. Turning back to his audience he addressed the nervous looking, head bowed, slightly built woman.

“You are no longer of an appropriate standing, Lieutenant Anjee Glofski…” The officer raised her head until her eyes met with the cold stare of the Commissar, expecting to see the barrel of his bone-handled laspistol.

“Commander Glofski mount your metallic charge and lead out these loyal units to drive back the xenos scum from Bork. Until your reserves arrive, I will accompany you to provide both critical fire support but also absolute moral support. Do not let me down!”

Battle for Bork


Commander Glofski and her Leman Russ Executioner - “da Black Deff”Commander Glofski and her Leman Russ Executioner - “da Black Deff”
Lieutenant Gavrick ‘Mad’ Murphy AKA “Eight Ball” and his Leman Russ Exterminator with missile launcher.Lieutenant Gavrick ‘Mad’ Murphy AKA “Eight Ball” and his Leman Russ Exterminator with missile launcher.
Sergeant “Big Joe” Savalas and his Leman Russ Battle Tank with Imperial Assassin Soolin Bloxx and customised dozer blade.Sergeant “Big Joe” Savalas and his Leman Russ Battle Tank with Imperial Assassin Soolin Bloxx and customised dozer blade.
Sergeant “Little Joe” Gronow and his Leman Russ Battle tank with super-improved engine.Sergeant “Little Joe” Gronow and his Leman Russ Battle tank with super-improved engine.
Commissar Owen and his Leman Russ Conquerer tank with Bodyguard Grainger Jones and litanies of faith.Commissar Owen and his Leman Russ Conquerer tank with Bodyguard Grainger Jones and litanies of faith.
13th Armoured Division - Sable Knights start their engines...13th Armoured Division - Sable Knights start their engines...

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