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Raiding the Dusty Wastes

Raiding the Dusty Wastes

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Amass the masses

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Upgrade to my army tray completed with metal corners caps and hard rubber feet that have been epoxied into place. I’ve also looked over the long overdue progress of the army. I feel bad about not getting things done but I have Giftmas to complete (and ship out), my occasional commission work and the sporadic quick victories I want to kick out so I can feel like I’m getting things done. I guess I should switch the quick victories out as I should be getting th army done. “How do you ear an elephant? One bite at a time”. My dad is right and I should get back to it. I can still fulfill my quota of one mini painted to completion in a week with that. Beyond all that I’m happy to see my work collected so far.

Magnets are in progress at the moment and I’m thinking the archers need more power to the pull. I’ve gone back and forth on the matter but dropping them a few times in moving them from shelves and off tabletop and seeing them scatter has made this decision for me. My cavalry isn’t too bad off as they are plastic and will sit more firmly in their trays once I get them down like my dromedary (I think I’ll use this until I acquire bactrians). My plan is to show off my entire force upside down. This will be amazing as I have bigger pieces on shelf and awaiting love.

The cavalry will get magnets as well like my dromedary (I’ll use this term for my camel corps until I get bactrians… eh.. on second thought I’ll skip on Mongols). Upgrading fast attack also has shown me that setting heavy camels on their spears while epoxy dries will lead to breakage. It was foreseen and I already have my metal spear replacements from Warlord on hand. It still sucks to see work get broken even when I planned on snipping the spears. Looking at the new metal spears there is a difference in thickness (plastics being thicker). Before setting them in their final positions happens I’ll treat the new spears with an etching product from Tamiya. I assume its a mild acid that will assist by pitting otherwise smooth metal surfaces.  I’ll test it on some figures I won’t miss first.

With that I am going to give the otherwise less visually stunning weaponry some oomph with creating lance pennants which is another layer of pain I’ll endure to make my army kick ass. Damn my hobby masochism.

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