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The Brotherhood of Venice

The Brotherhood of Venice

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It's Called Progress...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Following yesterday’s update, I thought I briefly share a progress shot. Honestly I wish I’d thought of doing this sooner. The miniatures trays in the game are very well laid out and very easy to photograph so it’s possible to take photos to show various miniatures turning from unpainted to painted. So here’s the first one, and honestly this looks way more impressive than I thought and is actually quite encouraging to see. However I expect progress to slow somewhat now because there aren’t really any large batches that can be painted together now. There are some small batches of miniatures, generally around 4 models, that I can probably paint as a batch, however I am also not planning on using speed paints from hereon in, so each batch will likely take around two evenings of work, and the character miniatures (of which there are many) will be a couple of days a piece. So while the trays are over 50% complete by volume, they’re way less than 50% by effort.

There is also a third tray but that’s full of secret miniatures that are in boxes so it’s a bit harder to show progress with that.

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