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Elessar2590’s Star Wars Legion

Elessar2590’s Star Wars Legion

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Project Blog by elessar2590 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 17

About the Project

I decided to pick up a starter set of Star Wars Legion: Clone Wars and a few other boxes which I'll be expanding on.

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What I Bought

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Let’s look at the CIS First since that’s what’s painted. In the future I plan to add an extra Starter Set to this but not anytime soon.

Two Units of B1 Battle Droids
Two Units of B2 Super Battle Droids
One Unit of Droideka
One Box of Droid Commanders
Count Dooku
General Greivous
Cad Bane (Couldn’t resist)

Then the Republic
Three BARC Speeders (Two were very cheap)
Four Units of Phase I Clone Troopers
One Box of Clone Commanders
Captain Rex
Obi Wan Kenobi

To expand on this I would like to add some STAP Speeders and a lot more B1 Droids for the CIS with some ARC Troopers and some cool 3D Printed stuff like Senatorial Guards (For Cad Bane) and

The lot awaiting basingThe lot awaiting basing

I was very nervous about painting these, that was until I came across a short post online about using Contrast Paints for the Droids. So I gave it a go and it worked out but more on that later.

Master Luminara and Padawan Barriss Offee, probably won't be in the game but would make a cool Anakin/Ashoka alternative.Master Luminara and Padawan Barriss Offee, probably won't be in the game but would make a cool Anakin/Ashoka alternative.
What I Bought
These would be a lot of fun to use against Cad Bane to recreate his famous missionThese would be a lot of fun to use against Cad Bane to recreate his famous mission


Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
No Comments

Let’s look at the CIS First since that’s what’s painted. In the future I plan to add an extra Starter Set to this but not anytime soon.

Two Units of B1 Battle Droids
Two Units of B2 Super Battle Droids
One Unit of Droideka
One Box of Droid Commanders
Count Dooku
General Greivous
Cad Bane (Couldn’t resist)

To expand on this I would like to add some STAP Speeders and a lot more B1 Droids.

I don’t necessarily want to use this for Star Wars Legion but since that’s the most popular thing to do with them I will keep that option open.

The CIS as it standsThe CIS as it stands
3D Prints look really cool and it sounds easy enough to just swap a Jedi for another Jedi and get some variety on the tabletop rather than play Obi-Wan or Anakin for the hundreth time.3D Prints look really cool and it sounds easy enough to just swap a Jedi for another Jedi and get some variety on the tabletop rather than play Obi-Wan or Anakin for the hundreth time.
Cool units that probably won't get units also open up possibilities. I'm thinking that episode where Cad Bane kidnaps the senators or even redoing the Last Stand Scenario from the House Challenge for Cad Bane leading Droids to kidnap a Senator.Cool units that probably won't get units also open up possibilities. I'm thinking that episode where Cad Bane kidnaps the senators or even redoing the Last Stand Scenario from the House Challenge for Cad Bane leading Droids to kidnap a Senator.

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