June’s Releases Arrive On The Tabletop For By Fire & Sword

June 6, 2016 by brennon

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By Fire & Sword grows this month with some big releases for your games set during this lesser known period of history. We'll kick things off with the Muscovite Skirmish Force of Alexander Potiomkin in 1658...

Muscovite Skirmish Force of Alexander Potiomkin in 1658

This force is modelled after that which stood against Gustav Horn who battled against Potiomkin in 1658 at a fort near present day St Petersburg. Alexander fought for several hours in a difficult but fortified area and made Horn pay each time he advanced.

After a stubborn defence the Finns were forced to retreat and the army won the day.

Imperial Infantry

Following on from that rather awesome story we have a set of Imperial Infantry for you to use when bolstering your forces.

Imperial Infantry

The Holy Roman Empire could always do with some more pikes and muskets in their ranks ready to put up a staunch defence.

Heroes of the Sienkiewicz's Trilogy

Talking of what your army needs, see what you think of theirs Heroes of the Sienkiewicz's Trilogy who look like they could hold their own against many foes.

Heroes of the Sienkiewicz's Trilogy

You get four characters in this set including Michał Wołodyjowski, Jan Skrzetuski, Longinus Podbipięta and Jan Onufry Zagłoba.

All of these characters are from the novels by the Polish Author Sienkiewicz which the game is based on. His stories were called With Fire & Sword, The Deluge, and Fire In The Steppe. Sounds fascinating!

Azabs With Firearms

Last but not least we have some Azabs who have bought guns to the battle.

Azabs with Firearms

I think of all of the sets that we've seen today my vote would have to go to that nicely characterful set of Heroes from the books. The big Skirmish Force is also quite a sight to behold however.

What do you think?

"Alexander fought for several hours in a difficult but fortified area and made Horn pay each time he advanced..."

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