Perry Miniatures Marshal New Union Infantry For Your Battles

June 18, 2016 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures have shown off some previews of their Union Infantry plastic set which should contain around forty miniatures for you to create regiments lined up on the battlefield and skirmishers too. We got a look at both the regular Infantry and the Command Frame from these 3-Ups...

Union Command Frame

As you can see above you have a lot of different options for those looking to build characterful folk to lead soldiers into battle. It's always nice to have Commanding Officers who look like they're at home with the rank and file, keeping in touch with their soldiers, but with something more about them too.

The Infantry themselves are looking good too.

Union Infantry Box

The heads are going to be affixed to the bodies here so while you won't have a lot of choice on that front there should be plenty you an do with the armaments and other accessories. I think we'll have quite a few people snapping these up when they come out.

What do you think of their work?

"It's always nice to have Commanding Officers who look like they're at home with the rank and file, keeping in touch with their soldiers..."

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