Abyssinia’s Basotho Cavalry Gallop To The Other Side

December 4, 2017 by dracs

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The Abyssinian Empire gets some new fast moving troops in Wyrd's latest Other Side preview; the skilled riders of the Basotho Cavalry.

Basotho Cavalry

The Basotho people originate in the south of Africa, but came north after the Zulu expansion. They were quickly brought into the Abyssinian Empire, where their horse riding expertise made them a valued addition to their armies.

The Basotho Cavalry are exceedingly quick, letting them act as flanking troops to help control your opponent's movements. There is nothing more frustrating than being halted at every turn by an elusive enemy, only to discover the slower, heavy hitters have now had time to move into place.

What are your thoughts on these new cavalry figures?

"[The Basotho's] horse riding expertise made them a valued addition to Abyssinia's armies."

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