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Children of the Hydra's Teeth

Children of the Hydra's Teeth

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Stick 'em with the pointy end

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

That’s the first 40 done. All with sword and shield and all looking pretty great on their movement tray if I do say so myself.

Stick 'em with the pointy end
Stick 'em with the pointy end

There are 50 still to paint and as they aren’t for a game, equipping them is going to come down to what I think looks best. Current plan is three stands of ten archers and a block of twenty spear and shield.

I have put this project to the side for the next few weeks as I work on some more Nightstalkers. End of January though feels like a good timeline for these though. A little later than I think I mentioned a few weeks ago but there has been a little project popped up on the horizon that will be distracting.

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Jill GorramSquirrel LordAlexandre Recent comment authors
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They look great as a unit! 🙂
May be tempted to buy some to complete a Vampire Count army for the Old World (need to finish some goblins first…).

Something you may want to try for the patina: dirty down verdigris product. Easy to apply. It looks great if you apply a thin coat. But the best part is you can remove some of it later with a wet sponge or wet towel. Overall, dirty down verdigris looks great and it is really fast to apply. The only downside: it’s a bit pricey.


a horde of skellybobs! A blessing from the Lord!!!!!!

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