ZombiMadness Begins! Weekly Fan-Made Zombicide Scenarios This October!

October 4, 2021 by fcostin

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October is upon us, which means the spooky season is in full swing. Packets of cobwebs to drag over our porch doors, back and bags of sweets and goodies for the trick-or-treaters to collect.

Halloween gets a little different when you are an adult, especially when you are a tabletop gamer. Whether you are looking at bringing out your black-and-orange combination of paints for hobby time, switching out your yearly miniatures to creepy alternatives, or getting your Halloween board games out to truly feel the season and embrace the spooky, creepy and macabre for October time!

Zombimadness - Image One

M19 - Get Them Out Alive Senar // Zombicide Invader

On a weekly basis, CMON has been releasing a series of Zombicide scenarios for players to immerse themselves in new content for completely free after the release of the second edition.

October has turned up the heat for CMON, as they make their way into ZombiMadness month in theme with all things Halloween, with a brand new fan-made scenario coming every week this month.

Bringing fans into a flesh-eating zombie survival environment, Frederik Emil Andersson has provided quite the difficult scenario to kick us off, in Zombicide Invader, in the hope to "Get them out Alive!". As 6+ players head into the blood-thirsty environment, taking roughly 120 minutes to play through.

There has been an issue with the power in your hideout. Smartly, sending two survivors to fix the carnage. Heading out for capture and save, the new scenario places players in the midst of a zombie onslaught, to rescue the missing friends and hoard some power whilst doing so.

Zombicide is the perfect board game to get out on the table this Halloween. I plan on playing through the base game along with a few other of my favourite spooky board games, whilst weekly adding in the new content added as part of ZombiMadness month.

What will you be playing through this spooky season?

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