Hawk Show Off First Images Of PHR Ship In Dropfleet Commander

November 5, 2015 by brennon

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Hawk Wargames have shown off the first of their ships from the Post Human Republic range in Dropfleet Commander. See what you make of the Ajax Class Cruiser below which is looking very impressive indeed...

PHR Ajax Cruiser

The Ajax actually has, as you'll see in the images below, moving fins which you can put into different positions. That is the insane amount of attention to detail as we've come to expect from Hawk for sure. You can also see the big broadside guns across the length of the beast.

PHR Ajax Cruiser (Alt)

Ajax Cruiser (Multiple Angles)

I think these are superb looking ships and they have something of the Covenant from Halo about them, but with a sheen of extra awesomeness over the top. I like that we're getting the sleek look of PHR with most of the ships design but we also get to see the gribbly bits too.

Hopefully it won't be long until we see more!

"You can also see the big broadside guns across the length of the beast..."

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